Educational Science

Community of Research 2.0: Prospects

IMG_20111029_152605The site-name also implements its intention: Research should benefit from multidisciplinary networks and the potential that » Web 2.0« offers should be used as efficient and effective tools.

Content of Research is »Bildung«[1]: Global and holistic; Learning as development – individual as well as societal; Development as a process – that takes part on different levels and functions and includes many participants and stakeholders. A process affected and influenced by various different interests and points of origin. A process that implements policy and society and also power and economic interests. Meanwhile it is approved, that »new media« influence this process. The way they do and its effects and achievements are still a huge field of research and offer plenty desiderata: some of them I’d like to put into practice with the help of this weblog.

Starting-point will be (as already mentioned) two current and popular assumptions – and my belief, that both are not as contrary as it seems at the first glance …

Ø New Media permit better participation and better chances to learn, they enable to selforganized learning, reduce barriers, make it easy to become and stay informed. Briefly: They lead to equity and democracy

Ø New Media help first and foremost those, who already have higher education, more money and advance in chances to achieve knowledge and information. They lead to an even greater knowledge-gap [1]., »a digital class-society« arises and whole cultures will be separated from knowledge and participation in a word-society.
During the next weeks, I will publish parts of my bachelor-thesis, specific hypotheses, analyses and questions which arouse from this thesis and enlarge them with – multidisciplinary – state-of-the-art studies and discussions

I’d like to put parts of my B.A. Thesis, specific hypotheses, analyses and questions arousing from it up to discussion. This site will also see me through my Master studies »eEducation: Bildung* and media) and the following graduate thesis. So it is based on long-term considerations and I hope to succeed in creating a multidisciplinary and open outcome process.

During the next weeks I will start by transforming crucial points of my B.A. thesis into Pod-/Vodcasts that will be put up to discussion.

I look forward to your opinions, ideas and discourses!


* (as there is no adequate translation for the German word »Bildung«, which implies and combines aspects of “learning”, “culture”, “education” “competencies” …) I will use it in German)

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