Update (2023/02/03)
In 2018 I wrote about the new job I started (redesigning the concept of apprenticeship, and corporate vocational learning programs – more details see below). Very soon it became more than “only” conceptional work, but building and leading a new team, finding a provider for an LMS (Moodle) and bringing also this into practice and live. So – SORRY – I did not fullfill my promise, beside the posts in the German Weblog, to keep you updated. Nevertheless I continued writing and finishing my phd. In 2019 it was almost done, but then came Corona Pandemie and so many challanges…
Contexts and Language and final count down :-)
“2017 was a great but also challenging year. Like I described in my last post I started a new job in Kassel and officially was accepted a phd-student in Marburg. Combining and structuring job and external phd is not easy…
Plans and structure for 2018
2017 was a great but also challenging year. Like I described in my last post I started a new job in Kassel and officially was accepted a phd-student in Marburg. Combining and structuring job and external phd is not easy…
MOOCs, CAPs, U.Labs & Co: Update PhD Project
Another important step is done – I successfully submitted my proposal for my PhD Project at the Institute for Educational Science and am now officially PhD Student at the area Innovation, Organization, Networking! While submitting a paper together with…
Submitting an international symposium – Further steps in context with my phd-project
Recently ideas and plans for my PhD Project shape and become more concrete – I am really motivated and enjoy working on it, enhancing and enlarging frames and steps, including them into concrete project-planning-steps. To connect my project with networks…
Exposé and Writing-Challenge Dissertation
As I wrote in my post “PhD Projekt becoming concrete – Project Planning” I decided to write a cumulative Dissertation instead of a Monographie. Meanwhile my new exposé is almost ready and last week we had a doctoral-candidates-meeting in Marburg,…
Universities in the Present Age: Obsolescent Institution or Breeding Ground for Global Enhancement, Social Change, and Innovation
These are the slides of my Hildesheim Presentation, held at the 10th annual conference of the GERA-Commission Organizational Education “Organization and Networks” on 23.02.2017 in Hildesheim, Germany (audio and subtitles added afterwards) . I got very helpful and enhancing comments…
PhD Project becoming concrete – Project Planning
Following up my last post on my PhD Project here the latest news and an outlook on next concrete steps: Since recently I got in closer contact with the working area Innovation, organization and networks at the institute of educational science…
May 2017 become the best year ever!
Guten Rutsch! A Happy New Year! Bonne Année! 贺年 [賀年] ! καλή χρονιά! سنة جديدة سعيدة selamat tahun baru! hyvää uutta vuotta! gott nytt år! head uut aastat! bhliain nua sásta! srečno novo leto! Šťastný Nový Rok! chúc mừng năm…
Digitale Hochschul-Revolution … (as an exeption in German*)
Die aktuelle Titelstory der Internetseite des Deutschen Studentenwerks befasst sich mit der „Digitalen Hochschul-Revolution“. Ein spannender Artikel, der viele aktuelle Entwicklungen streift und aufführt, dessen Schlussfolgerungen aber meiner Ansicht nach doch eine sehr „deutsche Brille“ tragen und nicht immer vertieft…
Some thoughts on and in between learning and research
Today I had a Twitter conversation with a colleague and somehow the discussion turned from dealing with a book respectively its content
toward a discussion on theories or terminology transporting an ideology or enabling enhancement. It made me think about…